With this blog I hope to inspire people to live out their full authentic selves, no matter what other people might tell them is or is not appropriate. Follow me for noveling helps and articles about how to live your life freely and openly.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blog post #50

This post should be something special right?
I don't have anything special.

I do, however, have a plan... or rather a crazy idea.

See here's the thing.
I have troubles keeping commitments that I make to myse
For example, my hair. I love the "idea" of longish hair. ike this:

Yes, that's ME. My hair used to be that long and that awesome. I didn't have money to get it re-dyed though, and ended up chopping it all off... in a moment of weakness. I don't see the big picture, I see the little picture.
Like my hair. I saw that I didn't have money to dye it, but I did have money to chop it. So chopping it it was. (Can you tell yet that I use my blog to talk things out?)

Basically I need to set a limit. A month of thinking before I make any major decisions. I have so much that I want to do in life that the little satisfactions get in the way. Like ice cream instead of a run. Like... chopping my hair instead of letting it grow.

Things I will let wait 1 month before I act on them:
1) Cutting my hair. (Or dying it)
2) My diet (ending one, not starting one)
3) My half marathon training/race training

One month. That's all I need. I know I need a change. I just feel suck. I don't know how to stick with one.
Let's look back - here's a picture of my face when I was about 18:

My amazing friend Kelley is on the left

A more recent picture of me:

I don't even look like the same person anymore.
Just looking at these pictures makes me sad.
But I had to post these pictures. I had to look at them, side by side. To see the change... it's hard for me, because I'll be honest, my self-confidence is pretty high. I don't see myself as overweight, per say.
But looking at those pictures reminds me that I am.
So I guess I am making an announcement.
I'm gonna take those two pictures above and have them developed within two weeks. I'm going to post them in three places - on the fridge, above my desk, and on my bathroom mirror. Along with those I'm going to post my goals for August (being as I won't have money to get the pics developed until August). I'll be developing my goals for August - but in the meantime here are my two-week goals - lasting until the end of July -
1) Run 4x this week

1) No soda or chocolate milk, just plan old h2o and Crystal Light. Oh, and coffee with cream. Because this gal can't live without her coffee!!!
2) No greasy breakfast at work.

Does anyone have any "rewards" ideas that they've used to motivate themselves towards losing weight?!? I'm kinda stuck on that... I'll do some google searching and post my reward ideas later. PLEASE chime in though with anything you've got.

L Finch

Blog post #50

This post should be something special right?
I don't have anything special.

I do, however, have a plan... or rather a crazy idea.

See here's the thing.
I have troubles keeping commitments that I make to myse
For example, my hair. I love the "idea" of longish hair. ike this:

Yes, that's ME. My hair used to be that long and that awesome. I didn't have money to get it re-dyed though, and ended up chopping it all off... in a moment of weakness. I don't see the big picture, I see the little picture.
Like my hair. I saw that I didn't have money to dye it, but I did have money to chop it. So chopping it it was. (Can you tell yet that I use my blog to talk things out?)

Basically I need to set a limit. A month of thinking before I make any major decisions. I have so much that I want to do in life that the little satisfactions get in the way. Like ice cream instead of a run. Like... chopping my hair instead of letting it grow.

Things I will let wait 1 month before I act on them:
1) Cutting my hair. (Or dying it)
2) My diet (ending one, not starting one)
3) My half marathon training/race training

One month. That's all I need. I know I need a change. I just feel suck. I don't know how to stick with one.
Let's look back - here's a picture of my face when I was about 18:

My amazing friend Kelley is on the left

A more recent picture of me:

I don't even look like the same person anymore.
Just looking at these pictures makes me sad.
But I had to post these pictures. I had to look at them, side by side. To see the change... it's hard for me, because I'll be honest, my self-confidence is pretty high. I don't see myself as overweight, per say.
But looking at those pictures reminds me that I am.
So I guess I am making an announcement.
I'm gonna take those two pictures above and have them developed within two weeks. I'm going to post them in three places - on the fridge, above my desk, and on my bathroom mirror. Along with those I'm going to post my goals for August (being as I won't have money to get the pics developed until August). I'll be developing my goals for August - but in the meantime here are my two-week goals - lasting until the end of July -
1) Run 4x this week

1) No soda or chocolate milk, just plan old h2o and Crystal Light. Oh, and coffee with cream. Because this gal can't live without her coffee!!!
2) No greasy breakfast at work.

Does anyone have any "rewards" ideas that they've used to motivate themselves towards losing weight?!? I'm kinda stuck on that... I'll do some google searching and post my reward ideas later. PLEASE chime in though with anything you've got.

L Finch

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Never Too Young

One of the things that's plagued me for a long time is the haunting thought that I'm either "too young" or "too inexperienced" to write.

Both of these are lies straight from the mouth of the naysayer.
You know who the naysayer is.
It's the voice in your head that says you "can't" or you "shouldn't".

Don't listen to it (or them).

You are never too young, old, experienced, or inexperienced to write.

Just take it one day at a time. Write your daily quota. Revise that chapter.
Keep pressing on.

The naysayers never know what the hell they're talking about anyway.


L Finch

Monday, July 11, 2011


"What's a should? A "reason" your ego uses in order to try to whip you into shape, writer-shape. But they never work. The ego never has good ideas for writers. Shoulds almost always send writers down the wrong path. The ego is scared of losing its job. It has to exist. Writing, however, is driven by the unconscious mind, a part of self the ego has no control over. That freaks it out. Writers steer by wonder and desire. This is the opposite of should."- Heather Sellers, Chapter After Chapter
This book has been so amazing that I just had to share this quote with you all. I think that I live with a lot of "shoulds". Don't we all? We "should" do housework before we write, we "should" spend more time with others then with writing, we "should" be involved in 500 extra curricular activities, we "should" write a book that makes our parents proud, etc.
Shoulds are killers.

Here's the thing. I've been feeling like I "should" write a book on cutting, because it's in my history, so to speak. But if I had my way, I'd write my fantasy story, and make it mine... it would be a beautiful fantasy.

I think I can do it, too.

But it's very scary to leave the "shoulds" behind. They're like a comfortable area, something to hold onto. "shoulds" are very protective... very comforting. As long as you live within the "shoulds" of society, then you have nothing to fear. But you also have nothing to gain.

Think about it. What "shoulds" are you holding onto? Moreso, what are the shouldn'ts that we are so attached to?

I should write this book for my mother/husband/sister
I should write this article so that people will feel proud of me
I shouldn't write that sex scene, it would be improper
I shouldn't write that edgy scene, it could be taken the wrong way

So now, what should(n'ts) are you holding onto?
Let go of them, and learn how to swim in the ocean of your novel unhindered.

L Finch
PS. And buy a copy of Chapter After Chapter by Heather Sellers. You won't regret it!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Chapter By Chapter"

So I'm reading this amazing book called "Chapter By Chapter" by Heather Sellers. She has you do an exercise (number three, to be exact) where you take fifteen minutes to write down all possible book titles that you would want to write in your lifetime. Get the book and read it, she makes a lot more sense then I am, and I'm *not* going to break copyright infringement by quoting a whole block of her text.

I just really wanted to tell you what I've learned.

I learned that I have a lot of really good ideas inside of my brain, and that I'm not going to turn out to be a one-hit-wonder. That, my friend, is a relief for me. :)

I also learned that suddenly getting up at 5:30am when your body is used to getting up at 9 or even 10 am is somewhat of a shocker.

I'm signing off to read more Heather Sellers. Cheers!
L Finch

When did you realize you're an adult?

I guess I realized I was an adult just a couple of days ago. I was driving home from work and I realized... wow... I'm 22, almost 23. I have the power to make my own choices chose my own path.

I think growing up has been a process for me because I've always relied heavily on what other people think of me and what other people want me to do. I'm easily manipulated to do whatever other people want me to do.

When I went though a supposedly "life changing" training camp, they called me a manipulater. I know now that they had it all wrong. I'm not the manipulater, I'm the one who allows others to manipulate me.

Well, guess what. My days of being childish and being manipulated are over! I'm an adult now, so you'd better watch out! I'm going out there to change the world!

L. Finch

Friday, July 8, 2011

Novel = Crap

I feel so free today, this song really spoke to me. :) Yay!

So on another note, I think my novel is crap. Must re-write. Starting from the beginning. I'm going to do some more outlining today, work on outlining the characters, make them come alive, making a timeline. Maybe I'll do that at the library. Maybe not. I'll probably spend some time working on it at the Manhattan Public Library tomorrow after work (Off @3, or sooner).

One last thing and THEN I'll shut up. Check out the Life List Club tab above. That is all.

L Finch

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So while I was waiting for Josh to come home last night, I was watching Make it or Break it (MIOBI) on Netflix, kinda catching up on some old episodes that I had read the recaps on, just had never taken the time to see. And, believe it or not, I learned something from watching that teen drama show. Or maybe not so much learned something as I remembered something.

I need to be unashamed of who I am.

Here's the deal: growing up I was taught that everything was black and white. You were either right or you were wrong. There was no room for "hey, we have our differences, but I respect that". Now, my parents were and are great and loving people, so I'm not saying this to bash them down or anything like that. I'm just saying that's the environment that I perceive myself as growing up in. Could be true, could be wrong. Anyhow.

The trap that I fall into is being ashamed of who I am
1. What music I listen to
2. What books I chose to read
3. The way I dress
4. The piercings and tattoos that I long to have.

So while I was watching MIOBI last night, I watched as Kaylee admitted that she was anorexic and that she needed help, and listened to her talk about how she always bottled up who she really was because she was afraid of rejection. I thought - that's me.
Not the anorexic part, far from that (lol).
But the whole - "I can't be who I really am because I might be rejected".
Ashamed. Of who you really are.

So here and now I'm making a public statement. I denounce the people in my life who try to hold me back. Who try to control me. I'm no longer going to be ashamed of the way I dress, or the way I look, or what I chose to do with my time.

Most importantly, I need to be unashamed of my writing. That subject seems to be popping up in the writing books I've been reading lately. "Be yourself, you're only hurting yourself if you conform". It's too true.

Because here's the thing guys. At the end of the day, when it all fades away, Christ isn't going to ask me, "hey, Liz, did you make your parents happy? What about your siblings? How about your husband and best friend?"
He's going to ask;
"Liz, did you do everything in your power to serve ME and to make ME pleased with you?"

May my answer to that question be yes. Amen.

L Finch

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The words "Giving Up"

These words will not be in my vocabulary.
Today I was reading Janet Evanovich's "How I write" and realizing how totally off I am as far as my novel goes. I have a lot left to write, and quite a few reversions ahead of me!
But that's the point of the first draft, isn't it? That it's supposed to be "crappy", whatever. Point is, it's SUPPOSED to be awful. Plain and simple.

Until I get over the fact that my first draft will, indeed, be crappy, I won't get anywhere. No kidding.
Listen to me carefully.


Don't let that stop you from making an awesome second, third, and forth draft. Don't go wandering after other ideas, other books, thinking that "maybe this one will be better". Because, guess what, it won't be.


Don't give up. The only time you are allowed to give up is when you have learned everything you can about writing from that one horrid book. Then, and only then, are you free to go. Pursue other ideas, write a better book.

The point of all of this is - don't give up. You can do it. I have faith in you.

L Finch

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The failure of being perfect

I think the problem that I've had such a hard time coming up with words for this new novel is because I expect it to fly onto the page and be next to perfect the first time.
Which, shocker, is not going to happen.

Part of my other problem is that I thrive on routine. Probably because I grew up with routine as a kid (but didn't we all?) and not having a job and not having a routine has thrown me off in more ways then one. I like to know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. I like to have a plan of attack. And without a job to structure my time, I'm left with too much free time to just do "whatever" with. Too much free time is not a good thing for me. Maybe not for anyone.

My hope is that by being open about why I haven't been writing, I can find a solution to my problem.

The Magical Plan:
1) Get a job
2) Set up a consistent writing time
3) Write!

Let's see how this goes....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

All or nothing?

So often I think we have the "all or nothing" mentality when it comes to writing. Either we want to write for 40 hrs in a row, or we don't want to do any writing at all. For example, I wrote in my new day timer that I wanted to write 2,000 words a day 5x a week. Well, guess what, my brain is rebelling and it's not happening. It's a curse, I tell you, a curse!

So what do we do to combat this?

It's quite simple really.

Instead of word counts, I'm switching to time. One hour a day writing. That's all. No word counts, no pressure. And yes, writing for my blog counts. I just set a timer for an hour, and if I have to get up to refill my coffee or pee I just pause the timer. Simple, yet efficient.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing with your writing. After all, an hour a day is more then what I was doing before with my lofty 2,000 word count written in my planner. An hour a day can even be split into two 30 minute pieces. Or four 15 minute time bites.

No matter how you look at it, you CAN fit writing into your busy day. It might take some readjusting and some tweaking to make it perfect, but it's possible.

I promise.

L Finch

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fitting In?

Coming down here to Atlanta has been an experience. We're "living" in the corporate part of town - so everywhere you go and everywhere you look you see people in suit and tie, hurrying about their work. I'll be honest, it's hard for me not to "conform" to looking like them. I'm a jeans and hoddie kinda girl... but I can dress up, if I choose. Lately I've been putting on a little extra makeup, wearing my heels, and making sure that I look extra special just to "fit in". As I got dressed this morning though, I decided to change all that. Being "fake" in order to "fit in" was only hurting me and confusing my poor little brain. The more I mulled this thought over in my head, the more I realized that it applies to my writing as well as my dress.

Think of it this way -

The more we focus on what that publisher will say about our work (or, shall I say, fitting in with the publishing industry), the less we focus on the one thing that will really sell our work - us and our individuality. Publishers won't buy your work if you are "just like" another author, they will buy your work if you bring new ideas to the table, and are, in fact, different, and not trying to fit in. Now, don't get me wrong, we can always learn how to write better from other authors, but we should not be trying to copy them or conform to them.

I've spent countless hours trying to "fit in" with society. Today, I say enough. I will be myself in my dress, my behavior, but most importantly my writing.

L Finch

Monday, May 23, 2011

To be, or not to be...

I'll be honest, I've never read Hamlet. Ever. Ever ever ever. I mean to, one day, I really do mean to.
With that key piece of information aside -

I struggle because I am the kind of person who throws herself into something full heartedly. It's all or nothing with this gal. While that trait can be very helpful, it can also hold me back. It's hard for me to focus on two things, ie, running AND writing.

And when it comes down to it, I'd rather call myself a writer then a runner.

It's not that I hate running - well, I kinda do, except I love the endorphin rush that I get after I run.

But I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I love writing MORE. I love putting the words on the page. I love speaking my mind to the "masses".
Writing makes me feel special, and powerful. Probably it's because it's something no one else in my family does, which sets me apart.

Well, off I go to work on my novel. Wish me luck.

L Finch

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And So It Begins

Outlining Map, Story-Cards

And so it begins. I have an outline plotted out, a flash drive so that I can switch between computers, a Springpad account to save the drafts to, a scheduler with my next week of writing and reading mapped out, etc etc.

This book is the hardest thing I've ever written. I consider my first two works stepping stones to this. And this book will be a stepping stone to...? God only knows.
Why is it the hardest book that I've ever written? Because it deals with cutting, and it was only a few years ago that I fought that demon, and won. It at least is my hope that maybe that gives me perspective on the subject, so that I can relate to readers in a fuller sense.

My plan of attack for the novel is simple - take it day by day, week by week. I don't do well with long-term planning, I need the reassurance that when I do fall off the track, nothing is lost, that I can get right back on the horse and keep going.

I'll keep you all updated.
L Finch

Friday, May 20, 2011

Slowly but surely

Slowly but surely my novel is coming together. I wrote over 70 scene cards yesterday, and plan to write more today to fill in the gaps.
The hotel that we are staying at has blocked google programs, by mistake or purpose I know not. So hence, the long absence on my blog posts across the board. Today I did find a local library about five minutes away that offers free wifi, so here I am, taking advantage of it.

To add insult to injury, after deleting by accident part of my novel, my laptop is now in possession of my husband, who is using it for work purposes. I am now stuck with his MacBook. While I like the way the MacBook types, I am having other problems like "how do you left-click on this thing?!?". I don't want to have problems with a computer, I want to be writing my novel! UGH.
((End Rant))

To be fair, hubby is none-too-happy about having to use a windows computer. My dear, Mac-loving husband HAS been kind enough to let me use his computer, so I must make the best of it. To be quite fair and honest with you, my readers, I do plan to make the switch to Mac ASAP because that's the safest place to store your work. It'll just take some adjusting to, that's all.
((Deep breath))

Now that I've confused the heck out of you, let me sum it up -
1) My husband took my computer for work purposes. I'll have it back this weekend (hopefully)
2) He gave me his mac to use (I use windows/dell)
3) I'm struggling with learning how to use mac, which frustrates me because -
4) I hope to start draft 1 of ??? of my novel tomorrow

Well, if I have any hope at all of accomplishing my goal of starting to write my novel tomorrow I'd better get crackin'.

L Finch

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You know you need new glasses when you look down at your leg and freak out about a "big black spider" on your leg, only to find out you just need to shave... EEK!!! Gotta watch that whole shaving business....

I've been in a writing slump for a while now. Not really writer's block, just more like, "I don't know what to write". Not writer's block, mind you, because in my mind that comes in the middle of a project. To be quite honest, I'm back at the beginning and I'm struggling with fitting all the pieces together. It's like there's a great, big, road block in front of even beginning my novel, and it's screaming at me, "You need to know x, y, and z before you begin!". And honestly, I think that there is some truth to that. I need to know at least some backgrounds, names, and history of this new world that I'm developing before I go running off writing a bunch of crap that I'll just have to scrap later.
My slogan: Plan now, save time in the long run. It also prevents writer's block to plan ahead - really, I promise you, it does. The other side of the coin is that you can spend so much time planning that you neglect to actually write the story. As I'm sure you can figure out, that's not good either.

So to light a fire under my behind, I'm making public a to-do list for this week, so that I can start officially writing on Monday.

1. Finish outlining using the snowflake method
2. Main Character outlines on Ava, Finn, Alisa, Aurora, Bernice
3. Change main character's names (ha! too many A's in there)
4. On the car ride, finish "Making a Scene" and "Dynamic Characters".

Oh yes, did I mention that I'm going to Atlanta for almost a month?!? It's exciting!!! I love new environments for writing. The only question is what to pack... I'll probably end up bringing my whole office with me!! :P

L Finch

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back on track in May!

April was a crazy month for us. I was out of town for a week, which left me away from my desk, my books, my workstation.
How DO traveling writers do it? No idea.
Blasting Shinedown over my iPod - probably not the best thing for my ears, but it drowns out the TV in the other room.
BIG NEWS - the local library wants ME to teach a class on writer's block... which means that I have to find enough information on writer's block to cover an hour. I've taught for up to 20min before, but never an hour +. Should be a blast - I'm really looking forward to it. Any tips that you might give for a writer struggling with writer's block? :)

L Finch

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I got "the call" today - the library wants me to teach a class on writer's block!! So. freaking. excited. And a bit nervous too, I'll admit. But you can never learn without doing, and the experiance that I get from this I can carry over to another library, another class. I'm so focused on the 5k in a little less then two weeks, that there is honestly little else that I'll think about.
Speaking of writer's block, I finally got over my rough patch in my novel, and am working on an outline that is totally different from what I originally thought I'd be doing. Even so, I'm excited about the direction the book has taken me. So. Excited.

I'll update more later, I promise..
L Elindel

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Beginning - Pilot

Ever wondered if you had it in you to write a novel? Maybe you had this great idea rolling around in your head and all it needed was a little push to get out? Well, I'm here to help give you that push!
Like you, I dream of the day when I can call up my best friend and say, "my novel hit shelves today!". Like you, I'm sometimes clueless on where to begin. The worst part of it is that I spend time pouring over books and internet links, time that could be spent writing. Well I'm here for you, friend! Let me do the pouring over the books and internet sites while you do the writing. All the information you need to write the next best-selling novel will be right here, on my blog. Will it be easy? No. No. No... it will not. But will it be rewarding, and doable? Yes, yes, and yes!

One more warning before we go on - this will not be one of those "Write a novel in 30 days" crash courses. While that can be useful for gaining momentum in your writing life, I've found that the outcome is mostly trash, and that it takes a lot of work to revise. Why not write something that is nearly prefect the first time, rather then doing lots of reversion at the end? (Note: You will have to revise no matter what. Again. and again. and again. Don't get me wrong on this one!)

Before we get to the writing part though, there are a few steps that we need to go over. First -
1) Develop a writing space
A writing space can be anything from your kitchen table to your car. I've written some of my best work in the car waiting for hubby to get off work. I am blessed enough to have an office that I can use for writing space - but I'm fully aware that other people might not be so lucky, so here's what you do. First, raid your house for any and all writing supplies. This applies even if you will be using a computer for most of your work. Things to pick up: post-it notes, markers, pencils, pens, index cards, ect. Then collect things that help you write. Music, candles (hey, I like fire. Don't go judging!), coffee, you get the idea! Do you have a desk you can use? I find that personally it's best to separate work from play so my office is totally devoted to my running and writing pursuits. If you want a desk and don't have one, then it's time to get creative.
        Desk Issues
        If you don't have a desk, but want/need one, first check out Walmart and see if there's anything there that suits your fancy. I got my desk for $50 and it's held up a year. With that being said, it's gonna self-destruct any day now (it's actually held together by duct tape), but it's done it's job for a year. Next I want this desk: (at over 3,000 dollars it's like yeah right! in my dreams! But hey... a girl can dream right???) I'm
sure that I can find a cheaper model somewhere... anyhow, back to YOU the writer. If you don't have a desk I'd recommend finding a bin or box to hold all your writing supplies. A backpack works well too, that way you can carry it with you where ever you go. Even if you do have a desk, I'd separate some of your supplies out into a ziploc bag (or a fancier bag if you have it) to keep in your purse or car. You never know when inspiration can hit, so it's best to always be prepared. If you don't have a desk, want one, but can't afford one, get creative. Maybe there's an unused desk at your parent's house, or you can even go to your local library to use their desks. A cheep lap desk might also be an option for you.

Highlighters. Gotta have them. If you don't have them, take a trip to your local office supply store. Bring paper and a pen. While you wander, find items that suit you as a writer. You might not have the money to buy everything you see today - I know I didn't! - so make note of the smaller things you "want" and the larger things you "need" - a white board, a chock board, etc. The idea here is that you are stocked with items that scream "you". While not always possible, it is very helpful to have items around you that bleed creativity. For example, my desk is covered with candles, all things pink, notepads, a mirror, CDs, play dough, my squishy, etc. I'll post a picture of my desk at the end of this post. One last thing - don't forget some sort of a notebook with pockets. You'll be using it!

A writing schedule is a must have. Not only will it keep you on track, you also get to look back and see the progress that you've done! Now, I understand that some of us are most alert in the morning and some of us are most alert in the evenings. All I'm asking you to do is take a good hard look at how you're spending your time and where you could possibly change your habits to fit in more time to write. Oh, before you get all up in arms about having to miss Grey's Anatomy, remember that it is online and you can catch it there after your writing is over. It's best to have a set time every day to write so that your brain kinda locks into thinking, "okay, now it's for real, I have to write now!" I've read that it's best to write every day so that your brain locks into that, but personally I write 5 or 6 days out of the week. Just depends what we have going on.

Okay, so you've gathered all your material together, set a place for writing, set a time for writing every day. What's next? Well, they say that 1/3 of writing is preparation, 1/3 is writing, and 1/3 is redrafting.

So the first step:
Write a one sentence description of your novel. Here's mine: A cutter is given guardianship of a dying kingdom. Write yours and post it below! I'd love to read them.

Happy writing!

L. Elindel

Not all here

I'm going to start out this post with an announcement, and a warning - I'm not all here today. My plan is that coffee will help that. Yay Coffee!!

Now, the announcement. I know the four of you who read this blog are probably very well versed in writing novels. But I want to expand my readership, and as such, this blog is going to be changing a bit.

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into an x-rated blog (although sadly enough that would draw a ton of followers I'm sure... just not the kind I'm hoping to attract!).
I'm going to theme this blog all about novels, following my own process for writing a novel. I have, after all, written two, so I have some ity bity authority on the subject. Along the way I'll scatter in book reviews, hints and tricks gathered from here and there - basically make this your one-stop destination for writing your novel.
You ready?
I sure I am!
Let's begin...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Helpful Online Tools for Writers

How To Write A Novel Using The Snowflake Method

Check the link above out. I'm using this to map out my novel and it's helping soo much. Anyone who is writing a novel would highly benefit from checking out the Snowflake Method.

Evernote is like a large notebook that can be divided into sections and holds the little clips you pick up off the internet. It's also great for saving chapters or even a whole novel. It's really a cool tool that you should check out.

This is a handy little writing tool that encourages you to write... or die in a game format. Don't worry, your writing is saved for you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Civilizations got you down?

When writing a fantasy novel, I personally find that the hardest part is writing the civilizations. What exactly IS a civilization, after all?
Fear not, fellow fantasy and sci-fi writers, I found the answer!!

Check this PDF out. I didn't create it, the creator "lives" here. Tomorrow I'm going down to the library to print a few copies of this off (yes, we do have a printer but no ink) so that I can start filling them out.

Another helpful tool is brain mapping. It's really easy to do, both on the computer and on your own. Think of it as sub-plotting... or maybe like drawing a tree. You start with the roots, which is the main topic you wish to cover. So draw a circle in the middle of your paper and label it with the main topic - for example, "humans". Then "branching" out from that would be your sub topics - Biology, Family, Religion, ect. So write those words down (or whatever words you chose) encircling your main topic. Then draw lines, connecting them to your main topic, almost like floating ballons. Then you have your sub-sub-topics. Outside of the circle, "religion" for example, list several religions, then draw lines connecting them to your sub-topic of religion. Continue on until you feel as though you are complete.
Another easy way to do this is through free computer softwear such as XMind (just skip all the paid versions).

Coming soon: The snowflake method... or not. I'm still trying to figure that one out myself!


Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm officially back!

I got back home today, and I have only one thing that I want to live you with -
"Small hours".
Those are what count for eternaty. The hour that you spend watching tv, gaming, or goofing off is an hour that could be spent writing, reading, or pursuing your craft. Never underestimate the power of only a few minutes spent writing. Ideas can spring from the simple act of sitting down to write.
Am I saying all tv is evil? That entertainment in general is evil? No, but make sure that you earn it.

I'm simply exhausted tonight, so I'm keeping this short and sweet.

If whatever you're doing does not fit into your 20 year plan of where you want be in your life, cut it out to get to your goal faster. Simple as that.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Fiction Friday

This is a small piece I wrote with some of my novel members in it. Enjoy!
Every small detail on her outward appearance screamed “control freak” – her perfect black manicure to the tight bun on the back of her head. She absent-mindedly fingered her upside-down, broken cross necklace as she stared at the door.
“Staring at the door isn’t going to make more customers come!” her boss gently teased her as he stepped out from the back room. “Sure, but it makes me feel better!” She lightly responded.  Going over to the pastry case, she started methodically arranging all the pastries into several long lines. “Cling!” the bell attached to the door rang once as a young girl came in, trying to wipe the tear streaks that were running down her cheeks.
“Krystal!” The control freak exclaimed, coming around the counter to take a closer look at her younger sister. “What happened?”
“It’s – it’s – b-b-ullies, Ava” Krystal stammered, rubbing her upper arm.
“What did they do to you now?”
Th-they at-tacked me. I-I wasn’t d-doing wr-wrong!”
Grabbing a napkin out of the dispenser Ava gently started to wipe to marks off of her sister, tenderly tracing the malformed shape of her sister’s head.
“Maybe you need to let Bill pick you up from school from now on,” Ava suggested. “I’d do it myself, but you know you get out before me.”
Krystal animatedly shook her head no.
Ava sighed and smoothed her sister’s short pixie hair.
“A-Ave, yo-your per-perfect” Krystal affirmed her sister as she gave her a side hug. The bell rang again as a customer walked in. Spinning to help the customer, Ava’s sleeve got caught on the shelves nearby, pulling the sleeve up to her elbow. The customer gasped. Even Krystal pulled away from her sister, confusion written on her face. Cut into Ava’s forearm was the word “sinner”. Numerious other cuts and burns lined Ava’s arm. In shock, Ava yanked her sleeve down, her cheeks flushing with shame. Suddenly her perfect manicure, her perfect hair, even her perfect love for her sister, was all swept away in one moment by her imperfection.
Nothing is as it seems.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One last post....

before I officially leave for vacation.... errr... the conference.
I just wanted to make a note here that I've been learning so much through "Make a Scene" by Jordan E Rosenfield and through Dynamic Characters by Nancy Kress that it's making me question a lot of things.
It's never made me question how badly I want to write, and hope to someday be a best selling author. No, it made me question my own writing skills. Notice that I didn't say ability. Ability is something that is innate. I think I have at least a little bit of that. I did, however, use the word "skills". Skills can be grown, changed, and even matured. I think my skills need a little of all of that!
My dilemma is simple. Right now I cannot afford classes, and I cannot afford to work (me working would push us into a much higher tax bracket, and all my money would go to pay taxes!! Not cool) so I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. But here's what I can do, in micro steps, in no real order:
1. Finish studying the creative writing books that you do have (5 total)
2. While you are studying, write short stories, edit them until complete
3. Send the edited story to a critique group, edit again
4. Send the story to a publisher
5. Get rejected. Learn something from it.
6. Start working again on novel (from scratch)
7. Send parts of the novel to critique groups
8. Edit, edit, edit
9. (Someday) submit to publisher.

 This video sums up EXACTLY why I want to write by one of the guys who got me into writing in the first place, Ted Dekker.

L Finch

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Youth of the Nation

It shocks me how cries for help from our youth often go unheard. We let them struggle in silence - until that silence isn't enough. Runaway teens, cutters, burning, suicides, attacks at school, bullying... the list goes on and on. From the time they are in their mother's womb they are attacked with the threat of death. It doesn't let up even then. And what are we doing to change that?
I wear a red bracelet that says "life" on it to remind me to pray for the unborn - but it also reminds me of the unheard youth of the nation an their struggle for life. It reminds me to write - write - write. The faster I pound the keys the faster I can leave my mark on their voiceless struggles. I've been voiceless before, I've been a teenager. The diffrence between me and them is that I've found my voice, and they are still silent.

I "see" them in my mind, duct tape over their mouths, tied down, trapped. Endure the trapped feeling long enough and the only way "out" is with a gun, a knife, a razor blade.

But that's not the end. And that's the part that I need to show them, that's the part that they cannot see - life gets better. This is not the end. Life is not as bad as it seems. There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you just keep pushing through.
When the cutters came to Jesus (yes, there are cutters in the Bible! See Mark) he loved them and did not turn them away. They were isolated in the tombs, and the people were scared to go past them. Sounds like a lot of today's youth -
1. isolated
2. harming their bodies (through drugs, addictions, etc)
3.wanting a way "out"

Christ showed them the only true way out.
However, I believe that there is still hope for you, even if you don't believe in Christ.

Will you help our youth?

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Micro goals are goals that are broken down into very tiny (hence: micro) seven-day steps. I first learned about them through the book "Living Write" by Kelly R. Stone. Excellent read, just ignore some of the new agey stuff.
Let me give you a personal example of a micro-goal:
I want to start submitting articles places, but have no idea of where to start and am scared of rejection (aren't we all!).

Monday: Make a list of places that might take inspirational pieces, pick top one
Tuesday: Develop a story idea to fit the parameters of the submission site
Wednesday: Write the story
Thursday: Complete guidelines for submitting story
Friday: Re-write story, call and ask for the editor's name
Saturday: Re-write story again, write accompaning letter
Sunday: Submit Work

Now, I'll be out of town starting Wends so that probably won't happen this week. I just wanted to give you an example of how micro-goals work. Pretty cool, right?
All I can say is get the book and read it. It'll change your writing life.
For the past week I've been writing every day and it hasn't quite been life changing, but it's been close to that. To give you a little bit of background for me, I wrote a lot when I was 13-16, got a play produced, quit writing, wrote a novel when I was 21, then stopped writing again. Writing has never been a constant thing in my life. Perhaps it's beacuse I love to wait for the muse to strike. Maybe I'm just lazy. Unmotivated. Tired. Unfocused. That needs to change.
I've written out my vision of success (To write a novel that helps girls and glorifies God), I have micro-goals, I have up to 20 year goals written. I've never been so motivated to keep up writing.

However, I do have to keep in mind that my tenancies are to get discouraged easily. To keep that from happening, I will surround myself with positive quotes, and I will surround myself with positive people and hopefully join a critique group in the near future. Check out this quote:

"I think a successful writer needs to ask herself some hard questions on a regular basis. What's your writing goal? Then, what kind of book do you want to write? When you have answered the first two questions you are prepared to face the third: does the book you want to write enable you to reach your first goal?"
- Novelist Nancy Martin

1. My writing goal is to offer girls with addictions and who suffer from abuse hope.
2. The book I want to write (am writing) is about a girl who is abused and also deals with cutting and the healing and redemption that can be found even when dealing with awful, awful things.
3. And the book I want to write enables me to reach my first goal, so it looks like I'm golden!

My writing schedule for next week:
Monday: Write 2,400 words. Read 2 chapters in "Making a Scene".
Tuesday: Write 2,400 words. Read 2 chapters in "Dynamic Characters".
Wednesday: Write 2,400 words. Read 2 chapters in "Making a Scene".
Thursday (at healing conference!): Write 800 words. No reading required.
Friday: Write 800 words. No reading required.
Saturday: Write 800 words. No reading required.
Sunday: Write 2,400 words. Read 2 chapters in "Dynamic Characters".

L Finch

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ava's Journey - Book 1

I plan to at least make a trilogy out of this book idea... I'm just not sure yet if I have enough material in my head for that yet... We will see!

Music of choice for writing: Daughtry mix on Pandora
Possessing program: yWriter... beacuse it keeps track of your word count for the day, section, and overall
Best place for writing: Anyplace where I can people watch (Starbucks, anyone?) or my own comfy desk at home (that's falling apart.... curse you, Walmart).
How I stay inspired: By thinking about my story 24/7. I usually know exactly what needs to happen one or two scenes into it, without outlining.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Swimming in Novel...

So I've been swimming in my novel the past few days, everything from outlining to character sketches to working through "Living Write". And I've come to a few harsh realizations.
One, That I am sadly lacking in education to conquer a novel. Sure, I've done it twice before, but I'm talking more about quality here. I haven't had much college experience, and let's be honest, who expects a high schooler to take a class on writing a novel!
Let's make something crystal-clear here. I don't want to just "write a novel" I want to have it published. And not self-published either. Eventually I want to be on the best-seller list. Then I want to be like Ted Dekker who sits at home all day and writes. Gee I envy that man.
I. Love. To. Write. That's why I have two blogs. I love to write about anything and everything. But I'm terribly afraid that, for lack of education, my writing is trash. That, my friend, is my biggest fear. And let me also point out that I'm not referring to the fact that I was home schooled as lack of education. No, the blame lays all on my head alone. I could have gotten involved with Nano(National Novel Writing Month) a lot sooner. I could have read more in high school. But the facts are clear. I didn't.

But I'm not here to look at the past. I''m hear to look at my today. I realize that -
* I'm lacking in education in what's popular with teenagers right now. What style of writing do they enjoy?
Answer: I went to the library and checked out three books to add to my 100 day plan. Note: my library is extremely limited and the books that I really wanted to read weren't there. :( Inkheart by Cornella Funke (Loved the movie, so I should love the book!), Stormbreaker by NYT best-seller Anthony Horowitz, and Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan.

* I'm lacking in writing education
Answer: Going through the creative writing books I already have to help prepare myself for a critique group. Join a critique group. Take writing classes.

That's it, me thinks.
Okay, I'm going back to writing about my poor, twisted Ava.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

it broke!!

While running two weeks ago I fell and broke my left arm in two places and dislocated my wrist. Needless to say, I will do not think I will be blogging until it heals in mid... march. Although it might be sooner... we will see. March is when I start my PT.

Below: my mobile desk.

so there you have it.

L. Finch

Monday, January 3, 2011

Thoughts about the New Year's Resolutions

Every year, myself and hundreds of people make what we call "New Years Resolutions". However, by February, most of these goals will have been forgotten. I think that this is beacuse they do not have a plan in place to help them achieve their goals. Goals like "I will quit smoking" or "I will lose weight" or even "I will write more" can be faulty from the beginning.

The Basics of Goal Setting
1) Measurable. You need to know when you have reached your goal. If you want to lose weight, set a goal weight. If you want to write more, set an amount of time that you will write. Set a word count quota. Anything! This is so that you will know when you have reached your goal. Here's mine: For the month of January, I will write five days a week for at least thirty minutes.
2) Achievable. For me, writing five hours a day is not achievable right now. Hopefully it will be in the future, but not for the month of January, at least. Losing five pounds a week is not achievable. Two pounds however, is.
3) Positive. Do not make your goals "I will not" (ie: I will never eat cake again!). Instead, make them a "I will!" (ie: I will exercise three times a week)
4) Specific. Fuzzy goals will get you no where. Like I talked about under measurable, they need to be something concrete, not a ghost floating in the mist.
5) Scary. Your goals need to push you out of your comfort zone and into a new realm of discovery.
6) Have a Plan. Make sure that your goal is backed up with a plan. If you goal is to write thirty minutes each day, ask yourself "why am I not already doing this?". In this way, you can anticipate road-blocks before you even hit them. Is it beacuse I don't have an "alone space" to write? How can I create said space so that I have NO EXCUSES to complete my goal?

Some other thoughts on Goal Setting:
~ Write your goal on sticky notes and stick them anywhere they might be seen. It pays off to remember them!
~ Brag about your goals to your family, friends, on your blog, where ever! You'll be more motivated if people are cheering you on.
~ Remember, baby steps! You won't reach the goal all at once, so take small tiny steps towards your goal.

I'll post my New Year's Resolutions tomorrow!

L Finch